Former IRS forensic auditor talks about taxes and business structures.
Taxes & Business Structures
In this program, you’ll hear one of the USA's top CPAs – Jack Cohen, talk to a group of FourPercent entrepreneurs about business structures, taxes, and how to keep more of the money you’re earning.
Having worked with IRS for 33 years, Jack has seen a lot in multiple departments, and now being on the “other side of the fence,” he works with and helps entrepreneurs avoid many blind spots and mistakes in business when it comes to structures, taxes, asset protection and more!
I’m looking forward to the training. I have one suggestion for whe you hire a bunch of people Or just one. Spend a couple of hours, 3 different times, beginning, middle and end, training people in The business belly. Start with forms and printout,all the little details that you need to put together. YourBook. Your book keeping, every little form and what They are for and connecting each , to the business as a whole. Where it fits in the Book. Have resources for each page. Included in the resource area, each form adage should have “ How to fill out form number F…17.#1 the right way and for F17#1 alternative methods.. The Book should have everything in it. A person can runa complete business with this book. Everything should be in the correct order.
Helpful info for new entrepreneurs
Tax implications of a corporation versus a sole proprietor versus subchapter S-corporation were very informative. Thanks, Jack Cohen. Finally, how can I contact Jack if and when I need some more advice from him? is my email. Thanks
Very useful ideas and tax-saving strategies that I was not quite sure of. Being organized is a tricky situation for me but knowing ahead of time is very beneficial. Also the tax implications of a corporation versussoe proprietorship
Very Useful Information!
For any entrepreneur wanting to start a business, this course helps you lay a solid foundation for starting out on the right foot. Great Material worth it's weight in gold!
Learn financial wisdom from an experienced CPA! Jack Cohen's insights on business structures, taxes, and wealth preservation will safeguard your earnings and business success.
Jack's advice on business structures is really priceless.
Great lesson on how to keep more of the money that you make! Taxes are a certainty, so watch this and learn more about how to protect yourself and your business.
Jack's information is a must-know for every business owner to ensure that he knows and follows all laws required to keep the business lawful and out of trouble with the local, state, and federal government.